Uniform Requirements
The Parkside Studio College uniform has been designed with business in mind. All Key Stage 4 learners will be required to wear full uniform and be smart at all times, on campus, to and from work placements and indeed whilst in the workplace. It is hoped that all learners will be proud of the suit-style cut of the jackets. Although the attire is designed to be different from traditional uniform, these garments should nevertheless be worn as such, in accordance with the details set out below:
It is important to note that high standards in respect of conduct, personal appearance and behaviour are of paramount importance. Excessive make-up is not permitted and any learner wearing make-up inappropriately will be asked to remove it. Learners should ensure that they do not resort to any extremes of fashion and hairstyles incorporating hair dyed in non-natural colours, shaven or part shaven heads (grades 0, 1 or 2) or shaven lines or patterns will not be acceptable. Similarly, it should be noted that costume or other jewellery should not be worn, with the exception of a wrist watch. Girls may wear a plain pair of small ear studs. No nose studs or other jewellery piercings are permitted. No jewellery should be worn during PE lessons. No caps or hoods can be worn at any time whilst on campus or in the workplace. The College cannot accept responsibility for items which are lost or misplaced.
All head-wear for religious purposes must be of plain black material.
Clothing should be clearly marked with the student’s name and form.
Orders for uniform should be place via iPayimpact.
TROUSERS - Black of plain standard design
SHIRT - White with collar
BLAZER - Black with the College logo [Available from the College only]
TIE - College colours, worn with the three tiles showing [Available from the College only]
SENSIBLE SHOES - Plain black in colour
KNEE LENGTH SKIRT/TROUSERS - Black skirt or trousers of plain standard design
SHIRT - White with revere collar
BLAZER - Black with the College logo [Available from the College only]
SENSIBLE SHOES - Plain black in colour
TRACKSUIT (top and bottoms) - Black with Trust logo [Available from the College only]
POLO SHIRT - Red with College logo [Available from the College only]
SHORTS - Black with College logo [Available from the College only]
SOCKS - Red with black hoops [Available from the College only]
TRAINING SHOES - with non-marking soles
Ordering Uniform - IPayimpact
We have now introduced a new online payment system. IPayimpact will provide you with a convenient, secure and verifiable way of making online payments for school uniform.