The curriculum at Parkside Studio College is quite unique as it is designed to combine learning with work and focus on ensuring that students are fully prepared for what lies ahead.
Using the CREATE skills framework, learners develop a specific skills set, made up of communication, relating to others, enterprise, application, thinking and emotional intelligence. In short, the offer provides the necessary skills and experience to ensure that Parkside students are highly employable individuals.
In Year 10, students study a core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communication Technology and Business, gaining qualifications in these subjects. In addition, they will choose a specialist vocational course. These six areas make up the Applied Learning specialism of Parkside, each having its own learning environment where students can practice and develop their skills. At Post 16, students choose from the six pathways outlined and supplement this with additional industry standard qualifications or AS levels.
Aside from the taught curriculum, the programme offered at Parkside includes regular, relevant and high quality work placements. Working with our partners and other local organisations, Key Stage 4 students spend a minimum of 8 hours per week on placement, rising to 16 hours per week in a work based environment for those studying, Post 16; with access to paid work placements. Placements are planned for a minimum of a year, thereby allowing consistency and progression.
As students progress through the levels of ‘apprentice’, ‘expert’ and ‘coach’, their CREATE skills develop, being regularly assessed by their Personal and Learning Coaches.
The College is committed to providing a comprehensive range of courses for Post 16 learners and has a vibrant and popular Post 16 Centre. The offer provides students with a wide range of academic and vocational courses, designed to meet the needs of all learners. Good quality teaching, along with high expectations and strong leadership, means students thrive in Post 16. The College has a proven track record of adding value to all of the students' overall achievement, with many going on to undergraduate courses at university.
‘Regular learning walks and scrutiny of pupils’ books ensure that the associate principal has a good understanding of the strengths of her staff, linked to their performance management targets. This renewed focus on teaching and learning is beginning to have a positive impact on the progress pupils make.’ Ofsted, 2017