University of West London Encounter
On Wednesday 5th October, Parkside welcomed The University of West London for a ‘University Life’ encounter.
Students firstly identified their favourite hobbies and lessons in which they do well and then research related careers, they explored the movement from secondary school through to Post 16 and university, then the differences between both were discussed. All the research that was completed was with a futuristic scope and an outlook to create a destination plan mapped with a statistical pathway aligned with realistic data.
Students focused on viewing and rewriting an actual CV and were clearly very engaged and motivated by the useful tips provided in the previous session and used this to edit in a professional way. Students then used the skills gained to construct a professional, modern and eye-catching CV that they will be able to take forward with them when applying for future opportunities. Students gained great insight and are now a step closer to their future; they look forward to part two of this event which will be held on 17th November.