Careers Carousel
Representatives from various colleges visit Parkside to deliver careers presentations to the students
On Thursday 7th July, representatives from various colleges around the area came to Parkside to deliver careers presentations to the students. The tagline for West Thames College, #Starttheregofar was indeed echoed throughout the presentation. A past student gave a meaningful presentation highlighting the different courses that they offer, the facilities that are available to students and even the benefits outside the physical classroom. The captivating video presentations gave students an insight into the day-to-day life of students; this added enthusiasm and meaning to an already well-planned presentation. Students now look forward to attending their much-anticipated open day in October.
Students also received great advice from the speakers that represented Langley College about how to apply for apprenticeships whilst showcasing the College’s BTEC and A Level courses. The wide range of full and part time courses available, engaged the interests of all students. The group also received some fantastic advice about specific websites to visit and helpful tips to use in order to gain experience and increase their opportunities with potential employers.
Another representative from the University of West London shared information on the higher education courses offered at the university. Students were provided with a wealth of information about the courses, student life and entry requirements. Students can choose to pursue courses from any of the following areas: Film Media and Design, Business, Computing and Engineering, Hospitality and Tourism, Law, Music, Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare, Human and Social Services, or Biomedical Sciences; some of which are courses that are studied at Level 1 at Parkside. The presentations were informative, interesting and insightful and students remained engaged throughout.